Global World Citizen Uniting Global World Citizens, Pioneering a Sustainable Economy, and Fostering Positive Change Worldwide. is a Global World Citizens NGO project which is a transformative platform embodying values of global unity, conscious living, and economic equity, with a mission to pioneer an open-source global economy, curate an ethical marketplace, inform and inspire through comprehensive global news coverage, encourage sustainable living, foster thought leadership, support global change-making initiatives, and build a connected community of conscious global citizens dedicated to reshaping the world for a more sustainable and equitable future.

Our Mission is a transformative platform on a mission to pioneer an open-source global economy, curate an ethical marketplace celebrating diverse creativity, inform and inspire through comprehensive global news coverage, encourage sustainable living, foster thought leadership, support global change-making initiatives, and build a connected community of conscious global citizens united in reshaping the world for a more sustainable and equitable future.

My Values embodies values of global unity, conscious living, economic equity, diverse creativity, informed engagement, positive impact, and community collaboration, guiding our mission to pioneer an open-source global economy, curate an ethical marketplace, inform and inspire through comprehensive global news coverage, encourage sustainable living, foster thought leadership, support global change-making initiatives, and build a connected community of conscious global world citizens 

“We Are All Global World Citizens.”

Global World Citizen