Accountability for Gaza Atrocities: Indonesia Asserts No Nation Is Above the Law

Title: Indonesia Urges UN Security Council to Hold Israel Accountable for Gaza Atrocities


Indonesia is calling on the UN Security Council to uphold international law without exceptions and ensure accountability for Israel’s actions in Gaza. During the ongoing UNSC open debate on the question of Palestine, Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi emphasized Indonesia’s unwavering commitment to supporting Palestine. Marsudi reminded the council of its mandate not to tolerate wars, especially genocide, and urged that Israel be held accountable for atrocities in Gaza, emphasizing that no nation is above the law.


Referring to the clear provisions in the UN Charter and the binding nature of Security Council resolutions, Marsudi questioned the council’s inaction on its resolutions concerning Israel’s actions over decades. She highlighted the failure to enforce resolutions while Israel acts with impunity, resulting in numerous casualties among Palestinians.


The recent resolution passed by the council focused on providing more aid for Gaza and called for steps to create conditions for a sustainable cessation of hostilities. Marsudi criticized the limited impact of such resolutions, emphasizing the dire shortages of food, water, and supplies faced by the 2.2 million Palestinians in the besieged enclave.


Addressing Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s rejection of Palestinian statehood as unacceptable, Marsudi expressed concern over Israel’s alleged ultimate goal to eliminate Palestine from the world map. She called on the Security Council to respond to this threat, warning of the real and present danger of a full-blown war in the Middle East. Additionally, Marsudi urged an immediate and permanent ceasefire, along with the prompt granting of full UN membership for Palestine.


Highlighting the issue of arms shipments to Israel, predominantly from the US and European countries, Marsudi called for a halt to such shipments. She argued that every weapon sent to Israel could potentially be used to harm innocent civilians, emphasizing the need to address this humanitarian concern.