An Irish MEP claims that the Houthis have not caused any deaths and are expressing solidarity with Palestinians.

Irish MEP Mick Wallace has commended Yemen’s Houthis, describing the rebel group’s attacks on commercial shipping in the Red Sea as a “humanitarian intervention” to halt the genocide in Gaza. In a passionate address to the European Parliament, Wallace asserted that the Houthis had caused no casualties, contrasting this with Israel’s record of over 23,000 civilian deaths, including more than 10,000 children.


He criticized the US and UK for targeting the Houthis instead of the Israeli regime, emphasizing the discrepancy in their response. Wallace highlighted the willingness of Western powers to sacrifice lives to safeguard the movement of goods while concurrently causing thousands of deaths through sanctions in Iran, Syria, and Venezuela.


As a member of The Left in the European Parliament – GUE/NGL, Wallace argued that the Houthis were demonstrating “solidarity” with Palestinians, akin to South Africa’s stance at the Hague. However, he expressed disappointment that the EU’s solidarity seemed aligned with the US empire and the Zionists, concluding with a denouncement: “Shame on the EU!”