Biden Criticizes Congressional Republicans, Drawing Comparison to Segregationists like Strom Thurmond

Feb 22, 2024,01:05am EST

President Joe Biden didn’t mince words during a fundraising event in San Francisco on Wednesday, where he took aim at Congressional Republicans, comparing them unfavorably to past racist and segregationist lawmakers for what he sees as their erosion of democratic principles.


During the event, Biden made pointed remarks, noting his past interactions with individuals like Strom Thurmond and others whom he described as having “terrible records on race.” However, Biden asserted that present-day Republicans in Congress are even worse, alleging that they fundamentally oppose basic democratic principles.


Drawing a comparison, Biden acknowledged Thurmond’s controversial past but highlighted instances such as his vote to reauthorize the Voting Rights Act as examples of potential collaboration. In contrast, Biden lamented the lack of willingness among current Republican members to engage in constructive dialogue.


The President asserted that Republicans have consistently demonstrated a disregard for democratic norms, labeling them as the “party of chaos and division.” His remarks reflect growing tensions between the Democratic and Republican parties in the current political landscape.


However, Biden’s comments drew swift criticism from House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.), who characterized them as “outrageous” and accused the President of playing the “race card” out of political desperation.

The exchange underscores the deeply polarized state of American politics, where rhetoric often veers into contentious territory, further exacerbating divisions between parties and hindering efforts at bipartisan cooperation.