Biden’s Approval Rating Experiences Another Decline, According to Recent Poll

In a recent NBC News poll released on Sunday, President Joe Biden’s approval rating has seen a decline to 37%, reflecting a continuous drop in favorability as he endeavors to engage an electorate that appears largely indifferent in the lead-up to a likely November rematch with former President Donald Trump.


Key Facts:

  • The poll indicates that 60% of registered voters disapprove of Biden’s performance, showcasing a decrease from November’s NBC polling where the president faced a 57% disapproval rating.
  • While Biden’s approval rating has experienced a decline, NBC’s findings align with other recent polls.
  • As of Saturday, Biden’s average approval rating stands at 39%, according to a FiveThirtyEight average of polls.
  • In a head-to-head 2024 general election race, the new NBC poll shows Trump leading Biden by five points, with a 47% to 42% margin among registered voters.
  • Biden’s head-to-head polling against Trump has seen a decrease of about 7% in the past year, with the president having 49% of voters’ support in July 2023, as per NBC.


  • Addressing specific issues, Trump is favored over Biden in handling the economy by a margin of 55% to 33%, marking a significant increase in support for Trump since October 2020 when he held a seven-point lead (48% to 41%). Trump also leads in issue-specific polling on immigration control, securing the border (a 35% lead over Biden), improving America’s global standing, and having the necessary mental and physical health to be president (a 23% lead over Biden). Conversely, Biden leads Trump in NBC’s poll on protecting immigrant rights (by 17%) and handling abortion (by 12%).