Bold Biden Confronts Trump and Skeptics Head-On

March 8, 2024 Updated 2:55 a.m. ET

This was not the subdued Old Man Joe; this was Forceful Joe, Angry Joe, Loud Joe, Game-On Joe.

In a State of the Union address charged with election-year fervor, President Biden delivered one of the most confrontational speeches witnessed from the House rostrum, facing equally fierce heckling from Republican opponents.


It was a remarkable display showcasing the tumultuous nature of contemporary American politics, highlighting how distant Washington has become from the days of refined presidential addresses destined for the annals of history. Again and again, Mr. Biden lambasted his fall election opponent and the opposition lawmakers seated before him. Republicans jeered and Democrats chanted, turning the chamber into what felt like a campaign rally.


But that was precisely the intention. Faced with persistent discussions about his age and determined to dispel voter doubts, the 81-year-old Mr. Biden seized the most prominent platform of the election year, addressing perhaps the largest television and internet audience he will encounter before November. He sought to exhibit his stamina, vitality, capacity, and, unmistakably, his indignation. Defiant and spirited, he disregarded the norms of the format to directly confront former President Donald J. Trump, aiming to make the election a verdict on his predecessor rather than himself.


Though he refrained from using Mr. Trump’s name, Mr. Biden referenced “my predecessor” 13 times, openly chastising “you in this chamber” for enabling the former president by obstructing security aid to Ukraine and a bipartisan border deal for political gain. Each time they interrupted, he responded in kind, deriding their arguments and urging them to enact significant legislation.


Mr. Biden was so charged up, so eager to begin, that he steamrolled over House Speaker Mike Johnson, commencing his speech without allowing the novice Republican leader to deliver the customary “high privilege and distinct honor” introduction. He projected his lines with force, clearly using volume to showcase vigor. The prepared text contained 80 exclamation points, and he likely added more during his delivery.


“My predecessor and some of you here seek to bury the truth about Jan. 6th!” he declared regarding the 2021 Capitol attack instigated by Mr. Trump.


“We stopped you 50 times before and we will stop you again!” he vowed regarding Republican attempts to repeal the Affordable Care Act.


“My God, what freedom else would you take away?” he demanded after condemning the overturning of Roe v. Wade by Trump-appointed justices.

In his speech, Mr. Biden attempted to make the election a referendum on his predecessor rather than himself.Credit...Haiyun Jiang for The New York Times

If the underlying message of the 68-minute speech aimed to reassure Democrats and independents concerned about his age and ability to pursue another term, Mr. Biden directly addressed the issue at the very end, alluding to “other people my age,” a clear reference to Mr. Trump, who is 77 and also exhibits moments of public confusion and memory lapses.


“My fellow Americans, the issue facing our nation isn’t how old we are, it’s how old are our ideas,” Mr. Biden emphasized. “Hate, anger, revenge, retribution are the oldest of ideas. But you can’t lead America with ancient ideas that only take us back. To lead America, the land of possibilities, you need a vision for the future and what can and should be done.”


The president’s speech appeared to unsettle Mr. Trump. “That may be the Angriest, Least Compassionate, and Worst State of the Union Speech ever made,” Mr. Trump posted on his social media platform afterward, punctuating his statement with his own exclamation point. “It was an Embarrassment to our Country!”


For many observers, the speech likely provided a different perspective on Mr. Biden compared to some of his public appearances, where he can appear frail and hesitant. While he stumbled over his lines at times and paused to cough a couple of times, he exuded a greater sense of command and vitality, reassuring some of his supporters.


More so than many presidents in similar circumstances, he departed from the prepared text on the teleprompter to improvise lines — occasionally whimsically, such as when he discussed Snickers bars “with 10 percent fewer Snickers in them,” and at other times assertively, such as when he responded to the rowdiest members of the audience.

At one juncture, Mr. Biden experienced a near-repeat of last year’s State of the Union address, turning the tables on Republicans protesting his claims about their intentions to undermine Social Security. “Republicans can cut Social Security and give more tax breaks to the wealthy,” he remarked this time, prompting G.O.P. lawmakers to respond with boos and jeers.


“You guys don’t want another $2 trillion tax cut?” he quipped with a smile. “I kind of thought that’s what your plan was. Well, that’s good to hear.”


In another instance, when he mentioned the bipartisan border deal rejected by Republicans, Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene interjected about the case of Laken Riley, a 22-year-old nursing college student from Georgia who was killed last month, allegedly by a Venezuelan migrant who had entered the country illegally. “Say her name!” she shouted.


Ms. Greene, the outspoken Republican from Georgia who previously endorsed QAnon conspiracy theories, made a conspicuous appearance wearing a red Make America Great Again hat and a “Say Her Name” T-shirt. Mr. Biden called her bluff and paused his speech to display a “Say Her Name” button that had been given to him. He proceeded to say Ms. Riley’s name — though he inadvertently referred to her as “Lincoln” instead of “Laken.”

Mr. Biden, who began attending State of the Union addresses in the early 1970s as a young senator, was clearly comfortable and enjoying the return.Credit...Doug Mills/The New York Times

He expressed his empathy for her family but pointed out the broader context, questioning how many thousands had been killed by individuals legally residing in the United States and contended that passing the border bill would mitigate illegal crossings. “Get this bill done,” he urged Republicans. “We need to act now.”


Mr. Biden, who has been attending State of the Union addresses since the early 1970s as a young senator, appeared at ease and seemed to relish his return to Capitol Hill. He took his time entering the chamber, exchanging greetings and engaging in conversations with lawmakers, even sharing a playful moment with Ms. Greene upon noticing her hat. Similarly, he lingered long after the speech, discussing its highlights with Democrats surrounding him on the floor.


Unbound and resolute, Mr. Biden appeared to embrace the confrontation. While he highlighted his achievements and outlined various policy proposals as presidents typically do, he made no pretense of lofty rhetorical flourishes.

He briefly mentioned his “unity agenda” in a speech devoid of unity. Instead, he projected the image of a candidate eager for a battle, appearing more combative than even the typically confrontational Mr. Trump did in the same setting four years prior.


“We will not walk away,” Mr. Biden asserted early in his address. “We will not bow down. I will not bow down.”

While he was specifically referring to the confrontation with Russia at that moment, his words also seemed to encapsulate his resolve in defending his presidency.