California Woman Arrested by Russia on Charges of Treason

Feb 20, 2024,08:17am EST

Russia Detains California Woman on Treason Charges Amid Tensions with Ukraine

Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB) made public on Tuesday the arrest of a woman with dual Russian and U.S. citizenship, suspected of treason, as the second anniversary of Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine looms.


Key Details:

  • The FSB, Russia’s security service, disclosed that the woman was apprehended in Yekaterinburg, a city in the Ural region, on charges of treason.
  • Identified as a 33-year-old resident of Los Angeles, her name was not disclosed by the FSB, but various sources suggest she is either Ksenia Karelina or Ksenia (Karelina) Khavana.
  • Allegations against her include raising funds for the Ukrainian army, which the FSB claims were utilized to procure military supplies, weapons, and ammunition for the Ukrainian Armed Forces.
  • The woman is accused of participating in public activities supportive of the “Kyiv regime,” although specifics were not provided by the FSB.
  • Videos released by the agency show her arrest and subsequent transfer to an FSB vehicle.

Background and What’s Next:

  • Little information has been revealed about the detained woman, identified as Khavana, who reportedly obtained U.S. citizenship in 2021 after studying in Yekaterinburg and working as a spa manager in Beverly Hills.
  • Initially arrested in late January on charges of public order violations, she now faces the more severe charge of treason.
  • The FSB has opened a criminal case against her, and she will remain in custody throughout the investigation.
  • Khavana filed an appeal against her pre-trial detention, according to reports.
  • This arrest adds to a series of actions by Russian authorities against U.S. citizens on charges ranging from espionage to drug offenses, including cases involving journalists and former military personnel.
  • Reports indicate that conditions in Russia’s remote penal colonies, where detainees are often sent, are harsh and detrimental to inmates’ health and well-being.

The development underscores escalating tensions between Russia and Western nations, particularly amid the ongoing conflict in Ukraine and heightened geopolitical strains.