Former Parenting Influencer Ruby Franke Receives Sentence of Up to 30 Years in Prison

Feb 20, 2024,01:31pm EST

Former family influencer Ruby Franke, renowned for her strict parenting approach, received a sentence of up to 30 years after admitting to four felony counts of second-degree aggravated child abuse involving two of her children.


Here are the key details:

  • During the recent hearing, Franke acknowledged being led to a “dark place” and acting out of “paranoia,” taking full responsibility for her actions.
  • She was sentenced to four consecutive one- to 15-year terms in prison, with Utah state law limiting consecutive sentences to a maximum of 30 years.
  • In December, Franke pleaded guilty to abusing and starving two of her six children, with her lawyer accusing business partner Jodi Hildebrandt of influencing Franke’s moral compass.
  • Hildebrandt, Franke’s partner in the YouTube channel ConneXions, also pleaded guilty to four felony counts of child abuse and awaits sentencing by the parole board.
  • According to state prosecutor Eric Clarke, Franke created a “concentration camp-like setting” for her children, perpetrating “horrible acts of child abuse.”
  • The duration of Franke and Hildebrandt’s prison terms will be determined by the Utah Board of Pardons and Parole.

Here’s a crucial quote from Franke during her court apology: “I was led to believe that this world was an evil place filled with cops who control, hospitals that injure, government agencies that brainwash, church leaders who lie and lust, husbands who refuse to protect and children who need abuse,” as reported by ABC News.


Here’s how Hildebrandt and Franke collaborated:

  • In 2022, they launched the ConneXions channel, aiming to offer guidance to those “lost and stranded in the darkness of distortion.”
  • Hildebrandt had been operating Connexions independently since 2007 and formally registered it as a business in 2016.
  • An NBC News investigation likened Connexions to a cult, revealing Hildebrandt’s approach of pathologizing behaviors and advocating isolation from those not adhering to her teachings.
  • Franke’s lawyers claimed that Hildebrandt isolated Franke from her loved ones, leading Franke into a “dark delusion” with her distorted version of reality going unchecked.
  • Both women admitted to child abuse, with Franke disclosing incidents of physical abuse and starvation, while Hildebrandt admitted to making Franke’s 9-year-old daughter jump into a cactus, as per the Associated Press.

Key background:

  • Franke gained prominence through the YouTube channel “8 Passengers,” chronicling her life with her husband and six children.
  • The channel faced criticism for Franke’s disciplinarian methods, including accusations of child abuse.
  • Franke and Hildebrandt were arrested in August 2023, following reports of abuse.
  • Franke’s eldest child, Shari Franke, confirmed on social media that they had sought help from authorities for years before their arrests.