In 2024, Startups Should Plan and Allocate Resources for AI-Driven Software Development

Enterprise departments, particularly product and engineering, allocate the majority of their budgets to AI technology, which promises significant efficiency gains. According to McKinsey, generative AI can expedite certain tasks by up to 50%. However, effective implementation requires more than mere financial investment. Enterprises must carefully determine AI budgets, balance AI benefits against hiring needs, and ensure proper training. Recent research emphasizes the importance of identifying the right users for AI tools, as less experienced developers tend to benefit more.


Failing to make these assessments can lead to underwhelming results, wasted resources, and potential staff attrition. At Waydev, our year-long experimentation with generative AI in software development has yielded valuable insights for enterprises planning substantial AI investments.


Initiate a proof of concept to assess tangible AI value, using engineering management platforms to track progress across key metrics such as code security, velocity, and developer well-being. Ensure diverse task coverage to gauge AI efficacy across different scenarios and skill levels. Consider hardware capabilities to support AI integration, adjusting budgets accordingly based on potential hardware requirements.


Develop a comprehensive training framework to embed AI into your team’s workflows effectively. Provide immediate access to AI tools for new hires and foster knowledge sharing across the organization to facilitate continuous learning and optimization.

Seek inspiration from successful AI integration examples in similar enterprises, leveraging tools like IDEs and chatbots to enhance developer experience and performance. Recognize that integrating AI into software development is an iterative process, requiring meticulous planning to maximize returns and minimize waste.