Leader of UN Agency Condemns Drastic Funding Reductions Following Accusations of Staff Involvement in Hamas’ Assault on Israel

UNRWA Funding Crisis Escalates Amidst Allegations of Staff Involvement in Hamas Attack


Key Developments:

  • The head of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), responsible for providing humanitarian aid to Palestinian refugees, strongly criticized the decision by several countries to withdraw funding. This move comes after Israel alleged that some UNRWA staffers participated in the Hamas attack on Israel on Oct. 7.
  • Finland, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Italy, the U.K., and Germany announced funding suspensions on Saturday, following the earlier decisions of the U.S., Australia, and Canada on Friday.
  • Philippe Lazzarini, the commissioner general of UNRWA, expressed shock at the funding suspensions, highlighting that the agency promptly terminated the contracts of the accused staffers and initiated investigations.
  • Lazzarini referenced the International Court of Justice’s ruling on Friday, which ordered Israel to facilitate humanitarian assistance in Gaza. He deemed it “immensely irresponsible” to penalize the agency and its beneficiaries based on allegations against specific individuals.

Key Statements:

  • Lazzarini urged countries to reconsider their funding suspensions, emphasizing the vital role UNRWA plays in providing humanitarian aid in Gaza and maintaining regional stability.
  • Israel accused 12 UNRWA staffers of involvement in the Oct. 7 Hamas attack, leading to the termination of their contracts and the launch of a criminal investigation. Lazzarini reiterated UNRWA’s condemnation of the attack and called for the unconditional release of Israeli hostages.
  • The U.S. took the lead in cutting funding, expressing extreme concern over the allegations. The International Court of Justice at the UN also ordered Israel to take measures to prevent further casualties in Gaza.

Significant Numbers:

  • The health ministry in Gaza reported that 26,083 Palestinians have been killed in the conflict between Israel and Hamas in Gaza.