Preparing for a GenAI-Influenced Future: 5 Steps for Board Members and Startup Leaders

Navigating the Generative AI Landscape: Strategies for Board Members and Startup Leaders


Artificial intelligence (AI) occupies a central place in the minds of enterprise and startup leaders today, posing complex questions about the future of work and life. Among various AI domains, Generative AI stands out, reshaping the possibilities of AI applications and raising significant considerations for businesses.


As organizations grapple with managing risks and overseeing AI effectively, boards must prioritize educating themselves about AI. The urgency to educate board members is growing exponentially as the use cases for AI multiply and the associated risks become more pronounced.


The advent of Generative AI adds layers of complexity and urgency to the AI risk landscape. Its transformative capabilities introduce new opportunities for productivity enhancement and revenue generation, but also amplify risks, necessitating swift and informed action from boards.


Here are five essential steps for board members to prepare their organizations for a future shaped by Generative AI:


  1. Enhance the board’s AI literacy: Establishing a solid understanding of AI, particularly Generative AI, is paramount. Board members need to familiarize themselves with the terminology, risks, and capabilities associated with Generative AI to ask informed questions and provide effective oversight.

  2. Foster AI fluency in the C-suite: Alignment between the board and the C-suite on Generative AI and risk management is critical. Encourage executives to develop fluency in Generative AI to make informed decisions about AI initiatives and navigate associated risks responsibly.

  3. Consider recruiting AI-experienced board members: Boards should diversify their expertise by recruiting members with operational AI experience. An AI professional on the board can offer invaluable insights and guidance for AI governance and oversight.

  4. Orient the board for the future: Establish dedicated subcommittees or extend the mandate of existing committees to include Generative AI governance. Boards must remain highly focused and informed about the evolving landscape of Generative AI.

  5. Guide the organization as Generative AI matures: Boards play a pivotal role in ensuring the ethical and trustworthy deployment of Generative AI. Leveraging frameworks for assessing risk and trust, such as Deloitte’s Trustworthy AITM framework, can help guide board decisions and prioritize AI initiatives.

In entering uncharted territory with Generative AI, organizations must embrace a proactive approach to risk management and governance. By taking decisive steps to educate themselves, align stakeholders, recruit expertise, and implement robust oversight mechanisms, boards can steer their organizations towards success in the era of Generative AI.