Supreme Court Rules in Favor of Trump’s Inclusion on Colorado’s Presidential Ballot

Mar 4, 2024,10:33am EST

Former Trump Organization CFO Allen Weisselberg pleaded guilty to perjury on Monday, acknowledging that he lied under oath during the civil fraud trial involving former President Donald Trump and his company. This admission came after a Forbes report initially accused Weisselberg of perjury.


Court records reveal that Weisselberg faced five counts of perjury in the first degree, of which he pleaded guilty to two counts during his court appearance on Monday. Prosecutors have recommended a five-month prison sentence for him, as reported by multiple outlets.


Weisselberg’s guilty plea stemmed from his testimony during the civil fraud case, in which he accused Trump and his associates of fraudulently misstating the value of assets for personal gain. During his testimony, Weisselberg claimed under oath that he never paid attention to the size of Trump’s Manhattan penthouse and never considered its dimensions. This statement contradicted financial documents from the Trump Organization, which stated that Trump’s triplex was 30,000 square feet. However, a Forbes article published in May 2017 revealed that the actual size of the triplex was substantially smaller, at 10,996 square feet.


Following Weisselberg’s testimony, Forbes published a piece accusing him of lying under oath, citing emails and notes that indicated Weisselberg regularly focused on the size of Trump’s triplex. Consequently, Weisselberg was removed from the stand.