The BL Genre Exhibits a More Relaxed Vibe Compared to Its Japanese Predecessor

Boys’ Love, commonly referred to as ‘BL,’ was once a minor and lightly regarded genre in Japanese manga, primarily catering to female fans and delivering stories of handsome young men falling in love with each other. However, its popularity has transcended Japan and spread throughout East Asia and beyond, evolving into a genre encompassing films, TV shows, and online content with millions of fans. The magnitude of BL’s success was evident during a TIFFCOM seminar that explored the global appeal and diversity of Thailand’s Boys’ Love content.

During the seminar, eleven speakers, including a representative from the Office of Commercial Affairs at the Royal Thai Embassy in Japan, actively sought partnerships with Japanese content companies. This interest might be likened to “selling ice to Alaska’s indigenous inhabitants” considering the already massive BL industry in Japan.

However, attendees of the seminar may have noticed distinctions in the Thai take on the genre. Through presentations and video clips depicting same-sex couples in affectionate, non-conflictual situations, the Thai approach appeared different from the often darker and more conflicted depictions of gay relationships found in Japanese BL. This difference may reflect a more accepting cultural attitude toward non-binary individuals, including Thailand’s well-known ladyboys.

Some companies, such as GMMTV, are adapting foreign BL content for local audiences. Though some series titles may appear suggestive, the primary goal remains to attract a broad audience with stories of pure-hearted romance, as opposed to catering to consumers of adult content. Several companies, like Star Hunter Entertainment, are positioning BL as a core element of their corporate strategy rather than a niche product.

Halo Productions representative Tewarat Supunnium emphasized the importance of storytelling and empathy. He stated, “We put our heart and soul into crafting a good story because we believe that a good story makes us empathize with other human beings, and that is the noblest thing we can do.”