Trump Appointed Diet Coke Attendant Despite Allegations of Sexual Misconduct

Trump’s Diet Coke Attendant, Walt Nauta, Accused of Sexual Misconduct

When the news initially surfaced about Donald Trump’s Diet Coke valet roughly 100 days into his presidency, he was merely the individual responding promptly with fizzy aspartame water whenever the President pressed a red button on the Resolute Desk — a scenario that unfolded about a dozen times daily.


Post-Trump administration, we’ve come to know the valet as Walt Nauta, who evolved into one of the former president’s closest aides and, eventually, his co-defendant in a classified-documents case. Following his role as a military valet in the White House, Nauta transitioned to Mar-a-Lago, where he served as Trump’s “personal aide and general gofer.” A profile by The Washington Post in March 2023 depicted the Navy veteran as obedient, fiercely loyal to Trump, and notably uninterested in undermining colleagues to advance his own status. According to the paper, “In the freewheeling world of the Trump administration, he was one of the few staffers who appeared to perform his role — no more, no less,” as recalled by some former White House staffers.


However, recent revelations suggest that Nauta may not be as exceptional as initially portrayed. The Daily Beast reported on Friday that Nauta, akin to many other figures in Trump’s orbit, faced allegations of sexual harassment from multiple women. These accusations, raised by three female servicemembers in spring 2021, prompted his prompt reassignment. According to The Daily Beast:


Nauta, a Navy enlistee with the White House Presidential Support Detail since 2012, faced allegations of fraternization, adultery, harassment, and other inappropriate sexual conduct, including “revenge porn.” Navy officials escorted him off White House grounds, reassigned him, and revoked his security clearance in response to these allegations.


The accusations detailed “multiple overlapping and emotionally abusive romantic relationships” while Nauta was married and serving as Trump’s Diet Coke valet. Allegedly, Nauta retained compromising images of women and threatened to release them, constituting “revenge porn.”


Initially, the first claim emerged in a “command climate survey” around April 2021, leading to Nauta’s removal from a temporary post at Mar-a-Lago. Subsequently, when two additional women identified Nauta as the individual in question, he reportedly acknowledged the relationships and was escorted from White House premises.

Whether Nauta faced official charges from the Navy remains uncertain; however, he was hired by Trump as his body man in August 2021, despite these circumstances.


Trump’s apparent indifference, assuming he was aware of the accusations, isn’t entirely unexpected. The former president faced numerous accusations of sexual misconduct from over two dozen women and was found liable for sexual abuse and defamation against E. Jean Carroll, who accused him of rape. Trump has consistently defended individuals accused of sexual misconduct, showcasing a pattern. These revelations regarding Nauta may provide insight into his unwavering loyalty to Trump, even amid personal and legal turmoil.