Trump Attributes Potential Election Loss to Jewish Voters’ Influence in November

Sep 20, 2024,01:26am EDT

At Anti-Semitism Event, Trump Suggests Jewish Voters Will Influence November Election Outcome

Introduction: During a recent event in Washington D.C. aimed at combating anti-Semitism, former President Donald Trump made pointed remarks about the potential impact of Jewish voters on the upcoming November election. Trump suggested that if he does not secure a victory, Jewish voters would play a significant role in that outcome.


Event Details: The event, titled “Fighting Anti-Semitism in America,” was organized by the Israeli-American Council and attracted a number of donors and influential figures. During his speech, Trump voiced his perplexity over Jewish voters who support Democrats, remarking that it “doesn’t make sense” given his administration’s strong pro-Israel stance.


Trump’s Claims on Jewish Voter Impact: Trump expressed a strong opinion that Jewish voters siding with Vice President Kamala Harris would contribute significantly to a potential electoral loss for him. He pointed to his administration’s notable actions, such as moving the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem and recognizing the Golan Heights as Israeli territory, as key reasons why Jewish voters should support him instead. Despite these actions, he felt that the Jewish community had not treated him “properly.”


Controversial Remarks: Further stirring controversy, Trump criticized Jewish individuals planning to vote for Harris, suggesting they “should have their head examined” and attributing their preference to habit rather than rational decision-making. He lamented that, despite his efforts, he anticipates less than full support from Jewish voters due to what he called “the Democrats’ hold or curse on you.”


Voter Support and Statistics: Trump claimed he has the backing of 40% of Jewish voters, leaving 60% supporting what he described as candidates who “hate Israel.” However, he did not provide a source for these figures. In contrast, a Pew Research survey released earlier this month indicates that 65% of Jewish voters favor Harris, with only 34% supporting Trump.


Controversial Call to Action: In a striking comment, Trump called the upcoming election “the most important election in the history of Israel,” urging Israeli influence against Harris. He emphasized, “You have to defeat Kamala Harris…More than any other people on Earth…Israel has to defeat her. I really believe that. It’s a disaster for Israel, and you know why.”


Background and Previous Statements: Trump has a history of expressing dissatisfaction with Jewish Americans who vote for Democrats, branding himself as the “best friend” that Israel and Jewish Americans have ever had. He has previously stated that Jewish people voting against him likely do not care much for Israel. His rhetoric has sparked criticism for perpetuating the antisemitic trope of dual loyalties among Jewish Americans. Additionally, his recent attack on Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro as a “highly overrated Jewish Governor” drew significant backlash, including condemnation from the White House.


Conclusion: Trump’s comments at the anti-Semitism event underscore a continuing theme in his rhetoric: linking Jewish voter behavior directly to the political fortunes of Israel and framing the U.S. election in terms of international implications. His statements continue to generate controversy and debate about the intersection of U.S. politics, voter identity, and international relations.