U.S. Embassy Issues Warning of ‘Imminent’ Extremist Attack in Moscow

Mar 8, 2024,06:14am EST

Only hours after Russia’s security service claimed to have thwarted an Islamic State plot against a Moscow synagogue, the U.S. and U.K. embassies in Russia have issued alerts over “imminent plans” for terrorist attacks in Moscow over the coming days, urging citizens in the capital to stay vigilant and avoid large crowds.


Important Information
The US embassy said it was “watching allegations that extremists have urgent plans to attack big gatherings” in the Russian capital, including concerts, in an advisory that was released late on Thursday night.

For the next two days, the embassy asked American citizens “to avoid large gatherings” in Moscow.


Americans were also urged by the embassy to “be aware of your surroundings” and keep an eye on local media for updates.T here were no more specifics provided in the advisory regarding the type of prospective assault or the suspected extremist suspects.


The U.S. warning was put on the British embassy’s and foreign office’s website and social media accounts, asking British citizens to avoid traveling to Russia at all.


The Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) claimed to have prevented a planned terrorist attack on a synagogue in Moscow, just hours before the United States issued its alarm. The agency, which replaced the KGB of the Soviet era, claimed that a cell from the extremist Islamic State group’s Afghan branch had planned the shooting. The terrorists were murdered, according to the FSB, while attempting to elude capture. They also reported that weapons, ammo, and parts for an IED were discovered and taken from the area.


It’s unclear how the warning from the American embassy relates to the purported terrorist attack that the FSB allegedly stopped.


Since the Israel-Hamas war began in October, tensions between the Jewish and Muslim populations of Russia have increased dramatically. Like in many other countries of the world, Russia has seen violent protests and an increase in antisemitism as a result of the conflict in Gaza. In late October, after a mob in the predominantly Muslim Dagestan province stormed an airport in search of Jewish passengers traveling from Israel, Israel urged Russia to protect its citizens.