UAE-Mauritius CEPA Trade Agreement: A Mutual Benefit for All, Positioning the Middle East as Africa’s Gateway

Thu 15 Feb 2024

A trade pact between the UAE and Mauritius is poised to act as a conduit linking the Middle East to Africa, as highlighted by Prithvirajsing Roopun, the President of Mauritius.


President Roopun emphasized that the Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA) with the UAE will position Mauritius as a pivotal gateway to Africa from the Middle East. During discussions with top UAE officials at the World Governments Summit (WGS) in Dubai, he underlined the transformative potential of CEPA, stating, “We are all in agreement that CEPA will elevate our bilateral relations to unprecedented levels.”


President Roopun emphasized that the benefits of CEPA extend beyond the UAE and Mauritius, benefiting the entire African continent. The agreement will foster new opportunities, positioning Mauritius as a conduit between Africa and the Middle East, thus creating a mutually beneficial scenario.


The UAE and Mauritius finalized the terms of CEPA in December, marking a historic milestone as the first agreement of its kind between the UAE and an African nation. Building on nearly five decades of diplomatic ties and recent collaborations such as the establishment of the Dubai office of the Mauritius Economic Development Board, CEPA will encompass various aspects including trade in goods and services, as well as investment facilitation.


Once operational, CEPA is expected to catalyze significant growth in non-oil bilateral trade between the UAE and Mauritius, which stood at $63.1 million in the first half of 2023, with key opportunities identified in sectors such as chemicals, metals, and petroleum products.


President Roopun also discussed the prospects for bilateral collaboration in governance, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Information and Communications Technology (ICT), biotechnology, biopharmaceuticals, and the blue economy. He expressed enthusiasm about the potential of AI, emphasizing its transformative impact across various sectors including governance, education, and healthcare.


Acknowledging the UAE’s emerging leadership role on the global stage, President Roopun appreciated the nation’s support for the Global South, particularly small island nations like Mauritius. Highlighting the urgent global challenge of climate change, he called for collective action and expressed satisfaction with the success of COP28, the UN Climate Conference held in Dubai, which aims to facilitate concrete solutions to combat climate change.