Was a Concealed Room Overlooked by the FBI at Mar-a-Lago?

According to a recent report from ABC News, FBI agents who conducted a search of Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate in August 2022 may have overlooked potential hiding spots for classified documents. The search was part of an investigation into allegations that Trump removed classified documents from the White House and attempted to conceal them.

The report suggests that investigators questioned witnesses about two areas within Trump’s Florida residence that were apparently not thoroughly searched. One area of interest was a locked closet, which investigators later learned had its lock changed while Trump’s attorney was conducting a search in Mar-a-Lago’s basement. Trump’s alleged attempts to hide classified documents from both the FBI and his attorney are highlighted in special counsel Jack Smith’s indictment against Trump in Florida.

In addition to the locked closet, the FBI did not search what authorities referred to as a “hidden room” connected to Trump’s bedroom. Sources indicated that some of Trump’s employees heard rumors that the FBI had missed at least one room at Mar-a-Lago in the days following the search.

The report also mentions that FBI agents were unaware of the hidden room until later, as it was concealed behind a large dresser and a television in Trump’s bedroom. This hidden room was occasionally accessed by maintenance workers for cable-related tasks.

However, an unnamed senior FBI official stated that the search was conducted according to plan, with identified areas being searched based on the search warrant parameters. Discussions apparently occurred about additional areas of the property during the search, but it was determined that the actions taken met the requirements of the search warrant.

It’s important to note that there is no clear evidence suggesting that Trump stored classified documents in the closet or the hidden room. Classified documents recovered during the raid were found in Trump’s office and in a basement storage room. Additional classified documents were later discovered by a Trump attorney during another search of Trump’s properties, including Mar-a-Lago, and were subsequently handed over to the Justice Department.